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Avon and Cotton made in Africa (CmiA)’s Groundbreaking Partnership

cotton made in Africa

Avon’s groundbreaking partnership with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) marks a monumental shift for the cosmetics giant, signifying its commitment to sustainable practices and ethical sourcing. As Avon joins hands with CmiA, a pioneering initiative for sustainable cotton production in Africa, we’re witnessing a potent combination of beauty a conscience.

Why is this partnership such a big deal?

Let’s break it down:

  • First of its Kind: This is CmiA’s first venture into the cosmetics industry, marking a significant milestone for both parties.
  • Sustainability Champion: Avon, already committed to using more renewable materials in its supply chain, is taking a bold step towards responsible sourcing with CmiA-certified cotton.
  • Traceability and Transparency: Through CmiA’s Hard Identity Preserved (HIP) system, Avon gets complete transparency on the cotton’s journey, ensuring ethical practices every step of the way.
  • Environmentally Friendly: CmiA cotton boasts a smaller environmental footprint, as it’s produced without irrigation or genetically modified seeds.
  • Empowering Women: CmiA prioritizes gender equality and women’s empowerment in its farming practices, aligning perfectly with Avon’s values.

But the benefits extend far beyond the cosmetics aisle.

Impact on Africa’s Cotton Industry

  • Supporting Small-Scale Farmers: Revenue generated from CmiA cotton licenses directly supports over 900,000 small-scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, many of whom are women.
  • Improved Livelihoods: This income is reinvested in training programs on regenerative farming methods and business development, fostering economic sustainability for these communities.
  • Environmentally Conscious Cultivation: CmiA promotes sustainable farming practices that reduce water usage and minimize environmental impact.

The Impact on You, the Consumer

By choosing Avon products made with CmiA cotton, you’re not just making a stylish statement, you’re making a conscious choice. You’re supporting ethical sourcing, empowering women, and contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet.

This partnership is more than just a collaboration; it’s a testament to the power of conscious choices and the positive impact we can make through the simple act of choosing beauty products. Look for the Cotton made in Africa label on your next Avon purchase, and know that you’re making a beautiful difference.

Avon: is the leading social selling beauty company in North America and a member of the Natura family. It was established to provide an opportunity for women to earn and learn – bringing economic freedom for Beauty Advisers to shape their own future.

Cotton made in Africa (CmiA): is the world’s leading recognized standard for sustainable cotton produced in Africa. It is an initiative of the Aid by Trade Foundation helping to improve the living and working conditions of smallholder cotton farmers in Africa and protecting the environment.

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