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The Visionaries: Meet the 25 Women Shaping the Future of Africa’s Beauty Industry

Joyce Jacob, founder of Joyce Jacob Beauty

For far too long, the narrative surrounding Africa’s beauty industry has been one-sided. Africa is often portrayed as a passive consumer, heavily reliant on international brands. The true driving force behind the industry’s current vibrancy and immense potential – African women – is often overlooked. However, a seismic shift is underway. Africans are no longer content to be mere consumers. Africa’s beauty industry is experiencing a phenomenal renaissance, driven by a generation of phenomenal women who are not just consumers, but innovators, entrepreneurs, and visionaries. This year, for International Women’s Day, Beautylist unveils “The Visionaries,” an inaugural list celebrating 25 exceptional women who are not just shaping Africa’s beauty industry – they are redefining it across the continent. This isn’t your average “25 Most Influential Women” list churning out the same predictable names year after year. Forget about repetitive content and tired tropes. Beautylist is setting a new standard with “The Visionaries.”

What makes these women visionaries?

Our meticulous search across Africa yielded a remarkable group of women – visionaries who are reshaping the continent’s beauty industry. Here’s what sets them apart:
  • Beyond Products, Powerful Brands: They build powerful brands that resonate deeply with consumers. These leaders offer exceptional products while reflecting a distinct African cultural identity, speaking directly to the modern African woman.

  • Innovation Tailored to Africa: The days of simply copying global trends are over. These leaders are pushing boundaries, embracing technology, and creating science-backed solutions specifically designed for African needs – skin tones, hair textures, and cultural preferences.

  • Amplifying African Voices: They’re not silent. They’re thought leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs who actively shape the conversation around African beauty. They use social media, educational initiatives, and global beauty forums to amplify the voices of African women in the industry. They are the faces of change, disrupting the traditional beauty narrative.

  • Celebrating African Heritage: Deeply connected to Africa’s rich cultural heritage, these women draw inspiration from traditional beauty rituals, incorporate indigenous ingredients, and celebrate the continent’s unique aesthetics. Their brands are about more than vanity – they’re about cultural pride and identity.

  • Economic and Social Impact: These go-getters understand the power of business for positive change. They create jobs, empower communities, and contribute to Africa’s economic development. They prioritize ethical sourcing, sustainability, and social initiatives that empower women and girls across the continent.

From groundbreaking makeup artists redefining African glam to ingenious dermatologists, and the moguls behind the businesses, “The Visionaries” features a diverse group of women who are changing the face of beauty not just in Africa but globally. They are entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, doctors, influencers, and storytellers – all united by a passion for their craft. This list is a celebration of diversity, resilience, and unwavering ambition. It features women from all corners of Africa, representing a spectrum of beauty backgrounds – from established entrepreneurs to rising stars.  Each woman on this list brings a unique story, a trailblazing spirit, and a vision for the future that inspires and uplifts. As you embark on this journey through “The Visionaries,” let it be a call to action, an invitation to celebrate the women who are shaping the future of beauty – a future that is as vibrant, diverse, and as breathtaking as Africa itself. The list is presented in no particular order.

Stella Coilli: Championing Clean Beauty


Stella Coilli, founder of SKOON. Skincare
Image: Stella Coilli – News 24

Country: South Africa   

Brand: SKOON. 

Stella Coilli, the visionary behind South Africa’s science-backed natural skincare brand SKOON, is a leader in Africa’s clean beauty movement. Fueled by a desire for healthier skincare options, Coilli launched SKOON after uncovering the prevalence of potentially harmful toxins in many beauty products. SKOON. is one of the fastest-growing on brands Faithful To Nature and ranked in the top five best-sellers on the site. This brand’s identity is honest, transparent and pure – living up to its Afrikaans-derived name – and formulates its products with a clear conscience. SKOON prioritizes harnessing the power of nature’s finest ingredients. Their meticulously crafted, plant-based formulations ensure efficacy without compromise. Beyond the formulas, SKOON. supports the environment by giving back 1% For the Planet. Through her SKOON., Coilli advocates for clean beauty education while fostering a future where clean beauty thrives across Africa.

Okey Maduewesi: Championing Makeup for Every Shade


Okey Maduewesi
Image: Okey Maduewesi – Melanin Magazine

Country: Nigeria

Brand: Zaron Cosmetics

Driven by the lack of inclusive shade ranges, Okey Maduewesi launched Zaron Cosmetics in 2011, offering a comprehensive line of makeup formulated for a wide variety of African skin tones. Zaron’s success hinges on celebrating African features and complexions, empowering women to embrace their unique beauty. Today Zaron has expanded into skincare, has 25 outlets and is sold in 800+ stores across the globe. Beyond products, Zaron is a champion for social causes. Maduewesi’s commitment to women’s empowerment extends to initiatives that support job creation and entrepreneurship.  This multifaceted approach has cemented Zaron’s place as a leader in Africa’s beauty landscape and solidified Maduewesi’s position as a visionary shaping the future of the industry.

Tamarind Nott: Where Tradition Meets Innovation


Tamarind Nott, founder of Mbiri Natural Skincare
image: Tamarind Nott – News Meridian

Country: Namibia

Brand: Mbiri Natural Skincare

Namibian entrepreneur Tamarind Nott, a true visionary shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry, draws inspiration from the vast landscapes and rich traditions of her home country. Nott’s Mbiri Natural Skincare line harnesses the power of Namibian myrrh, a fragrant resin prized for its potential skin-soothing properties and used for centuries in local beauty rituals. This focus on local ingredients not only reflects her dedication to Namibian resources but also echoes the practices of the Himba women. More than just creating high-quality products using local ingredients, Nott champions sustainable sourcing and empowers local communities, while simultaneously celebrating Africa’s rich heritage and paving the way for a future where African beauty trends lead the conversation.

Tara Fela-Durotoye: Building a Beauty Empire, Empowering a Continent


Tara Fela-Durotoye, founder of House of Tara
Image: Tara Fela-Durotoye – House of Tara Int’l

Country: Nigeria

Brand: House of Tara

Tara Fela-Durotoye isn’t just a makeup mogul; she’s a revolutionary and a pioneer in Africa’s beauty industry. In the late 90s, when international brands dominated the Nigerian beauty scene, Durotoye dared to dream differently establishing herself as the first professional makeup artist to establish a beauty brand in the country. House of Tara International, the brainchild born from her love of makeup, became a pioneer for indigenous cosmetics in Nigeria. But Durotoye’s impact goes deeper. Through the “Tara Beautypreneur” initiative, she’s empowered tens of thousands of women across Africa to become beauty entrepreneurs fostering economic independence for women. As a role model and thought leader, Tara Fela-Durotoye is undeniably one of the visionaries shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry.

Thuso Mbedu: Beyond the Beautiful Face


Thuso Mbedi, South African Actress
Image: Thuso Mbedi – Sony Pictures

Country: South Africa

Brand: Thuso Mbedu

Thuso Mbedu is more than just a captivating actress. As L’Oréal Paris’ first Sub-Saharan African Ambassador, she’s a beacon of empowerment. Her talent exploded on screens in “Is’Thunzi,” earning her International Emmys, and her Hollywood debut in “The Underground Railroad” and her role in “Woman King” solidified her global presence. Mbedu’s beauty transcends conventional standards. She represents a vision of African beauty that’s bold and confident. Mbedu’s influence extends far beyond the red carpet. She’s a role model, proving that African beauty can conquer Hollywood. Mbedu continues to shape the future of Africa’s beauty industry, one that celebrates all its rich dimensions.

Catherine Lee: Unveiling Skincare Solutions for Africa


Catherine Lee, Co-founder of Uncover Skincare
Image: Catherine Lee – Image Doc NYC

Country: Kenya

Brand: Uncover Skincare

Catherine Lee, alongside her co-founders, is revolutionizing skincare accessibility and education in Africa through Uncover Skincare, a Kenyan-born brand.  Lee identified a critical gap in the market – a lack of science-backed skincare options formulated specifically for African skin tones and concerns. Uncover bridges this gap by combining the best of Korean beauty science with potent African botanicals.  Lee is a strong proponent of education. The brand offers a “one-stop shop” experience, providing users with skin quizzes and informative resources to understand their skin type and develop personalized routines. This commitment to knowledge democratizes skincare, empowering users to make informed choices for their skin health.

Thandi Mbulaheni: Architecting Natural Luxury at SKOON.


Thandi Mbulaheni, CEO of SKOON. Skincare
Image: Thandi Mbulaheni – SKOON.

Country: South Africa

Brand: SKOON. Skincare

Thandi Mbulaheni, the CEO of South Africa’s beloved SKOON., isn’t just leading a skincare brand – she’s crafting a movement towards conscious, effective beauty.  Mbulaheni’s expertise in consumer goods comes alive at SKOON., where she champions natural, non-toxic formulations that harness the power of African botanicals and heritage ingredients. SKOON. stands out for its innovative, science-backed approach evident in its products ranging from topical solutions to ingestible “beauty smoothies” to its groundbreaking invisible pimple patch. This commitment to visible results, alongside a deep focus on innovation, has propelled SKOON. to a loyal following in South Africa and beyond.

Hana Ghoneim: Addressing Interconnectedness of Customer Needs


Hana Ghoneim, the co-founder of Locken
Image: Hana Ghoneim – Facebook

Country: Egypt

Brand: Locken

As the co-founder of Locken, an innovative brand originating from Egypt, Hana Ghoneim’s transition from a performing artist to an entrepreneur underscores her steadfast commitment to revolutionizing haircare norms. Recognizing hair as a powerful expression of identity, Ghoneim identified the necessity for personalized solutions tailored to the diverse preferences of African consumers. This realization propelled the launch of Locken, embodying principles of innovation, inclusivity, and empowerment. Locken’s range caters to various hair textures, from curly to straight, utilizing natural African ingredients fused with modern technology to promote hair health effectively. Moreover, Ghoneim’s visionary outlook extends beyond haircare, with the expansion of Locken into skincare, affirming her dedication to addressing holistic beauty needs and cementing her trailblazing role within the industry.

Odion Ejere: Pioneering Technology in Beauty


Odion Ejere, the co-founder and CEO of Esteem Royale Cosmetics
Image: Odion Ejere – Entrepreneurs NG

Country: Nigeria

Brand: Esteem Royale Cosmetics

With a vision ahead of its time, Odion Ejere and her co-founder established Esteem Royale Cosmetics in 2013 as the first direct-to-customer, digital-first e-commerce beauty brand in Nigeria, utilizing technology to drive sales and pioneering the space well before the e-commerce boom hit the country. They revolutionized the market by prioritizing what many overlooked: a diverse clientele with a wide range of skin concerns. They created an African skin type chart and a skin quiz which helped customers identify their skin type and make informed buying decisions, personalizing the beauty experience. Ejere’s story is one of dedication, innovation, and a keen understanding of the evolving beauty landscape. Her entrepreneurial spirit, along with her commitment to inclusivity and technological advancements, serves as an inspiration for aspiring women entrepreneurs across Africa.

Dr. Levashi Naidoo: South Africa’s Skin Whisperer


Dr. Levashi Naidoo, The Dermatology Room
Image: Levashi Naidoo – LinkedIn

Country: South Africa

Brand: The Dermatology Room

With a focus on inclusivity and a deep understanding of melanin-rich skin, Dr. Levashi Naidoo, the founder of The Dermatology Room in South Africa has carved a unique space in the industry. Her practice, The Dermatology Room, is a haven for those seeking treatments that cater specifically to diverse African skin concerns. From hyperpigmentation to keloids, Dr. Naidoo utilizes cutting-edge technology and personalized treatment plans to achieve optimal results. Beyond the clinic, Dr. Naidoo is a vocal advocate for diversity in dermatology. Her research and expertise have been featured in numerous publications, and she actively participates in industry discussions to ensure that African skin is not an afterthought. Her dedication to inclusivity and her commitment to providing exceptional care for melanin-rich skin make her a true inspiration, not just in Africa, but globally.

Adanna Ifeoma Enweazor: African Hair Queen


Adanna Ifeoma Enweazor founder of African Hair Summit
Image: Adanna Ifeoma Enweazor – LinkedIn

Country: Nigeria

Brand: African Hair Summit

Adanna Ifeoma Enweazor is the founder of the Africa Hair Summit, a pioneering platform established in Nigeria in 2016.  Through the Africa Hair Summit, Enweazor provides a transformative space for dialogue, education, and advocacy surrounding hair care practices in Africa. By championing the natural beauty of African hair and promoting cultural heritage, the summit catalyzes change, challenging conventional beauty standards and inspiring self-confidence among participants. Her leadership exemplifies resilience and determination, inspiring others to embrace their authentic selves while advocating for positive change within the beauty industry. Adanna Ifeoma Enweazor’s impact reverberates far beyond Nigeria, shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry.

Sneha Mehta-Sanghrajka: Pioneering Self-care Through Technology


Sneha Mehta-Sanghrajka the co-founder of Uncover Skincare
Image: Sneha Mehta-Sanghrajka – LinkedIn

Country: Kenya

Brand: Uncover Skincare

Sneha Mehta-Sanghrajka is the CEO and dynamic force behind Uncover, a disruptive skincare brand based in Kenya. Her journey to co-founding Uncover was deeply personal, ignited by a traumatic experience with a dermatologist that left her facially scarred and grappling with self-esteem. Leveraging a fusion of Korean technology and African natural ingredients, Mehta and her team embarked on a mission to revolutionize the beauty industry. Over the past three years, their unwavering dedication has propelled Uncover into a prominent position in the African market. Against the odds, they’ve emerged as one of the rare 2% of women-owned product-based startups in the region’s beauty landscape to secure over $1.2 million in venture capital funding. Mehta’s vision for Uncover transcends boundaries, with expansions into Uganda and Nigeria solidifying her role as a visionary shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry.

Dr. Ayanda Motau: A Seat at the Global Table for Africa


Ayanda Motau, South African Dermatologist
Image: Ayanda Motau – Fcaebook

Country: South Africa

Brand: Dr. Ayanda Motau

Dr. Ayanda Motau is a dermatologist and a groundbreaking force for inclusivity in the beauty industry. As L’Oréal’s first Sub-Saharan African dermatologist, Dr. Motau is shattering stereotypes and ensuring that African skin concerns are finally heard. Hailing from South Africa, Dr. Motau brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Dr. Motau now sits on L’Oréal’s International Board of Dermatologists, offering invaluable insight into product development and education. This not only ensures that future L’Oréal products cater to a wider range of skin tones and textures, but also elevates awareness of the importance of melanin-conscious skincare practices within the industry. Dr. Motau is also a passionate advocate for educating both the public and her peers on the nuances of African skin. Her voice is a beacon of inclusivity, reminding the world that African beauty deserves to be catered to in all its rich diversity.

Madonna Nassif: Crafting Luxurious Bath and Body Experiences for Africa


Madonna Nassif, co-founder of Bubblzz Bath and Body Co.
Image: Madonna Nassif – LinkedIn

Country: Egypt

Brand: Bubblzz Bath and Body Co.

Madonna Nassif is an African beauty sector chemist, innovator and the Co-founder of Bubblzz Bath and Body Co., a beauty brand based in Egypt. With a passion for creating luxurious bath and body experiences, Nassif has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing self-care rituals in Egypt. From indulgent bath bombs to nourishing body butter, Bubblzz products cater to diverse skincare needs for women, men, and children reflecting Nassif’s vision of inclusive beauty. As a visionary leader, Nassif remains deeply engaged in community initiatives and sustainability efforts, further solidifying Bubblzz’s reputation as a brand with a conscience. Her unwavering dedication to excellence and her pioneering spirit makes Madonna Nassif a driving force in shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry.

Ola Al-Sakka: Fusing Chemistry and Sustainability


Ola Al-Sakka, the Co-fou.nder of Bubblzz Bath and Body Co
Image: Ola Al-Sakka – LinkedIn

Country: Egypt

Brand: Bubblzz Bath and Body Co.

Ola Al-Sakka, a chemist turned entrepreneur, is the Co-founder of Bubblzz Bath and Body Co., an iconic brand originating in Egypt. Combining her passion for chemistry with a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability, Al-Sakka and her co-founder have revolutionized bath and body care in Africa. At the heart of Bubblzz lies Al-Sakka’s dedication to crafting eco-friendly skincare solutions. Each product, from luscious bath bombs to invigorating body scrubs, embodies her vision of sustainable luxury, offering consumers a guilt-free indulgence. Beyond product innovation, Al-Sakka actively participates in community empowerment programs and environmental initiatives. Her journey from developing formulas to the boardroom exemplifies resilience and determination, inspiring others to pursue their passions while staying true to their ethos. Image: LinkedIn

Ezinne Alfa: Amplifying Nigerian Beauty


Ezinne Alfa, founder of Beauty in Lagos
Image: Ezinne Alfa – LinkedIn

Country: Nigeria

Brand: BiL (formerly Beauty in Lagos)

Ezinne Alfa, the founder and communications strategist behind BiL (formerly Beauty In Lagos), is a powerhouse driving the Nigerian beauty industry to a global stage. Established in 2012, BiL has transformed from a blog to a digital behemoth, offering beauty resources, consultations, and now, the prestigious BiL Beauty Awards. Alfa’s vision extends far beyond product reviews. BiL champions inclusivity, celebrating the vast diversity of African skin tones and features. BiL’s consultancy arm fosters brand growth, ensuring products cater to the specific needs of the African market. Ezinne Alfa is a true visionary, and BiL is a testament to her dedication to elevating Nigerian beauty, not just in Africa, but worldwide.

 Tutuwa Ahwoi: Ghana’s Heritage in a Jar


Tutuwa Ahwoi, founder of Nokware
Image: Tutuwa Ahwoi – Lioness of Africa

Country: Ghana

Brand: Nokware Skincare

Tutuwa Ahwoi isn’t just selling skincare – she’s bottling up Ghanaian heritage with Nokware, a brand that celebrates natural, ancestral beauty traditions. Inspired by her great-grandmother’s recipes, Nokware offers a range of products formulated with time-tested African ingredients like shea butter and black soap. Ahwoi’s journey began in Paris, where she met Thato Tau from Botswana. Sharing their love for African ingredients, they realized a gap in the market – effective, natural skincare solutions that celebrated African beauty traditions. Nokware was born, and by September 2017, it was making waves. Nokware’s success lies in its deep connection to its roots. The brand sources ingredients from local women’s cooperatives, empowering communities while ensuring quality. Tutuwa Ahwoi is a powerful voice for conscious beauty. As Nokware expands its reach, it carries a message of self-love and respect for African traditions. Lioness of Africa

Jade Oyateru: Uncovering Self-Care for African Women


Jade Oyateru, Co-founder of Uncover Skincare
Image: Jade Oyateru – LinkedIn

Country: Nigeria

Brand: Uncover Skincare

Jade Oyateru is all about empowering African women to embrace a holistic approach to self-care. As Co-founder and COO of Uncover, a Kenyan-born, data-driven skincare brand, Oyateru leverages her expertise as a consumer goods powerhouse and a veteran of industry giants like Unilever and Nestle, for the African market. Oyateru’s unwavering belief in self-care as a form of empowerment is infectious.  With Jade Oyateru leading the charge, Uncover is poised to revolutionize the African beauty industry, one empowered woman at a time.

Viola Ogbunude: Cultivating Clean Beauty in Nigeria


Viola Ogbunude, founder of Body Organics
Image: Viola Ogbunude – LinkedIn

Country: Nigeria

Brand: Body Organics

Viola Ogbunude, the founder of Body Organics, isn’t your average entrepreneur. Her journey began with a personal quest for healthy skin after childbirth. Dissatisfied with conventional products, Ogbunude turned to the power of nature. This simple act of “scratching her itch” blossomed into Body Organics, a thriving Nigerian brand that champions organic skincare for all. Ogbunude believes that healthy skin transcends tone and type. Her commitment to organic ingredients, sourced locally whenever possible, resonates with a growing number of people seeking natural alternatives. With stores in several countries, a lifestyle and wellness magazine, and franchise opportunities on the horizon, Ogbunude is a force to be reckoned with.

Adeola Chizoba Adeyemi: Influencing and Entrepreneurship


Adeola Adeyemi founder of BeautybyAD
Image: Adeola Adeyemi – The Guardian Nigeria

Country: Nigeria

Brand: BeautybyAD

Adeola Adeyemi holds dual roles as a prominent beauty influencer and the CEO of Beauty by AD, a Nigerian-based makeup brand. With a sharp eye for beauty trends and a passion for inspiring others, Adeyemi has carved a distinct niche for herself in the digital landscape. As the driving force behind Beauty by AD, she has crafted a brand focused on sustainability, quality, and authenticity. Offering high-quality makeup products, Beauty by AD caters to the diverse beauty needs of African consumers, reflecting Adeyemi’s unwavering commitment to celebrating diversity and self-expression. Recognized as a certified member of the esteemed E.A.T.O.W Club, Adeola Adeyemi is a trailblazer shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry.

Michelle Ntalami: From Personal Journey to Pan-African Beauty Brand


Michelle Ntalami, founder of Marini Naturals
Image: Michelle Ntalami – LinkedIn

Country: Kenya

Brand: Marini Naturals

Michelle Ntalami’s path to creating Marini Naturals, Kenya’s leading natural hair care line, began with a personal experience. Driven by a vision of “gorgeous” and “naturally beautiful” hair, Ntalami launched Marini Naturals in 2015. The name itself reflects her commitment to celebrating African heritage, drawing inspiration from the Swahili word for “beautiful.” Her product line caters to encompass women, men, children, and those with dreadlocks. Ntalami advocates for support for young African entrepreneurs, urging leaders to recognize their passion and potential.

Joyce Awosika: Pioneering Wellness Revolution with Oriki Group


Joycee Awosika, founder of Oriki Group
Image: Joycee Awosika – TexAfrica

Country: Nigeria

Brand: Oriki Group

Joyce Awosika is a multifaceted entrepreneur, coach, and energy economist spearheading a revolution in the wellness community within Africa’s beauty industry. As the founder and CEO of Oriki Group, she leads a tech-enabled wellness, self-care, and personal grooming chain expanding its influence across Africa. Awosika’s Oriki has reshaped the beauty landscape with its UNWIND, a mobile app providing on-demand wellness services delivered to clients’ doorsteps. Beyond innovation, Oriki Group operates with a profound sense of purpose, exemplified by its farm-to-skin products that empower the farming ecosystem, create jobs, and transform lives in the agro-beauty sector. Through the Oriki Training Institute, Awosika is poised to democratize the African wellness industry, ensuring accessibility and job creation.

Caroline Saeed: From Egypt to Sudan with Bless


Caroline Saeed, founder of Bless
Image: Caroline Saeed – LinkedIn

Country: Egypt

Brand: Bless

Caroline Saeed, founder and CEO of Bless, pioneers natural beauty from Egypt, harnessing African ingredients for eco-friendly cosmetics. The graduate of law bullied for her curly hair, transformed her struggles into Bless, catering to diverse hair and skin needs. From homemade remedies, Bless evolved into an Egyptian sensation. Now, expanding to Sudan, Bless offers opulent serums and moisturizers, reflecting Saeed’s commitment to enhancing natural radiance. Her leadership champions diversity and empowerment, reshaping Africa’s beauty industry.

Joyce Jacob: The Beauty Maestro Behind Africa’s Glamour Evolution


Joyce Jacob, founder of Joyce Jacob Beauty
Image: Joyce Jacob -Joyce Jacob Beauty

Country: Nigeria

Brand: Joyce Jacob Beauty

Joyce Jacob, a celebrity makeup artist and founder of Joyce Jacob Beauty based in Nigeria, has earned acclaim for her exceptional talent and meticulous attention to detail. Her illustrious career boasts collaborations with an impressive array of A-list celebrities, including Tiwa Savage, Angela Simmons, Alek Wek, Angelique Kidjo, Alexander Burke, Waje, Lloyd Banks, Wiz Khalifa, and Wizkid. As a key figure in the industry, Jacob’s influence extends beyond the realm of makeup artistry. She has worked on the set of many local and international music videos, editorial spreads, fashion shoots, and TV commercials. Her role as the Director of Hair and Makeup for Netflix’s hit series “Young, Famous & African” underscores her ability to set trends and elevate beauty standards on a global scale.  Joyce Jacob is inspiring a new generation of makeup artists and beauty enthusiasts shaping the future of Africa’s beauty industry one brushstroke at a time.

Ajike Dsani: From Shea Butter to Social Empowerment


Ajike Dsani, founder of Ajuke Shea Center
Image: Ajike Dsani – Instagram

Country: Ghana

Brand: Ajike Shea Center

Ajike Dsani, the visionary behind Ghana’s Ajike Shea Center, is on a mission to empower women in Ghana’s northern regions, and her weapon of choice is shea butter. In 2015, armed with just $5 and unwavering determination, she launched Ajike Shea Center to create natural skincare and to empower women, whom they call “Shea Queens,” by offering fair prices for their shea nuts and providing employment opportunities in processing them into shea butter. This not only injects financial security into their lives but also fosters a sense of independence. Ajike Shea Center actively plows profits back into the communities it works with. Their initiatives include funding educational projects like building schools and supporting teachers’ salaries. By harnessing the power of beauty, she’s not only building a successful business but also weaving a brighter future for countless Ghanaian women.

This list of 25 visionary women is not exhaustive, but it’s a powerful starting point. It’s a glimpse into the dynamic future of Africa’s beauty industry, a future led by women who are as diverse as the continent itself. They are entrepreneurs, chemists, artists, storytellers, and changemakers. They are the future, and they are here to redefine beauty on their terms.


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