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Write for Us

beautylist content creator

Beautylist is not just a platform for beauty news; it’s a storytelling hub, a community, an ecosystem, and a chronicler of a revolution that is happening now. To this end, we are committed to promoting diverse voices and perspectives that showcase the diversity of the races, cultures, religions, and people that make up our great continent. While ensuring the quality and authenticity of the information we put out.

We are always looking to complement our editorial efforts with contributors around the globe to create high-quality compelling content. We welcome press releases, business insights, market analysis, event coverage, street trends, cultural appreciation, opinions, story pitches, and news tips related to Africa’s beauty industry and relevant to what we cover. The key segments we cover are skin, hair, makeup, fragrance, wellness, accessories/tools, and beautytech grouped around 5 interrelated thematic areas that show how Beautylist is impacting and shaping the African beauty industry.

Our Thematic Areas

Business and Innovations

Beautylist captures the stories of mergers and acquisitions, business insights, partnerships, collaborations, new technologies, and innovative designs happening in Africa’s beauty industry. By capturing the stories of business and innovation, we are not only documenting the present but also actively shaping the future of Africa’s vibrant beauty industry.

Founders and CEOs

Beautylist gives credibility and insight into the journey of key players in the African beauty industry by capturing brand and founder stories. By amplifying the voices of founders and CEOs, we give life to the industry, inspire future generations, and equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge to build their own success stories.

Health and Wellness

Beautylist serves as a knowledge hub on skin health, wellness, and healthy living, sharing useful information on the best beauty spots like hair salons, spas, fitness studios, and beauty bars within the continent. Offering insights and well-thought-professional advice from health and wellness professionals, dermatologists, and estheticians with a uniquely African twist.

Trends and Launches

Beautylist curates articles on Africa’s beauty industry and consumer trends, product launches, brand launches, and other related events within the continent. So, whether it’s a beauty aficionado, a curious consumer, or someone looking to invest in the African beauty industry, Beautylist is the go-to source for curated content, insightful analysis, and the latest buzz on trends and launches.

Product and Service Reviews

Beautylist curates product and service review articles based on firsthand experience with African beauty brands, businesses, and service providers. By doing so, we are offering a unique twist on product and service reviews: curating firsthand experiences that provide valuable insights and opinions on what’s truly worth consumers’ time and money.

By focusing on these areas, Beautylist plays a crucial role in:

  1. Building a narrative: Creating a comprehensive narrative of Africa’s booming beauty industry, attracting international attention and investment.
  2. Empowering entrepreneurs: Inspiring aspiring African entrepreneurs to enter the market and contribute to its growth.
  3. Shaping the future: Informing strategic decisions by brands, investors, and policymakers, helping to shape the future of Africa’s beauty industry.

So, whether our readers are looking for the perfect lipstick, a relaxing spa treatment, market analysis, business insights, or an informative beauty event, Beautylist’s articles and reports should be the trusted guide with emphasis on firsthand experiences, local focus, and diverse perspectives relevant to Africa.

Why Write for Beautylist?

At Beautylist, you can be yourself, you can write opinions based on empirical research, verifiable data, and cultural experiences to create and deliver the premium content that is the hallmark of our world-class brand.

Tell your Story with Our Creator Solutions
  1. Written Stories: publish, manage, engage with and grow your audience seamlessly.
  2. Video Narratives: Share authentic video stories that resonate with our audience.
  3. Cover Industry Events: Forge connections and dialogue with our audience through virtual events, and red carpet reporting.
  4. Audio Expressions: Amplify your voice through impactful audio stories and podcasts for the Beautylist community to immerse in.
Get Paid for Your Content

Get paid for every published article, video or audio content. Join our creator database and participate in paid research, analysis and policy publications. Unlock commissioned work by submitting and publishing your pitches to our network of brands and businesses.

Submit Your Pitch

Please introduce yourself and share your experience using the form below or submit your editorial work or pitch to editor@beautylist.com